Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What is behind the APPLE?

Hey hey you you~ !! I'm back!! wooHoooo...END of WAR!!
Feel so relax lerrrrrr....I likey likey thiS feeling =)

Still remember my previous post ? That one which I wrote half way and told you guys to guess?
Teeeheehee..Some of you did make a guess right? These are what I received..

> abt apple ipod slashing its price?? LOL... got Mango?
> er...vacation to US?

Hahaha..you guys are fantastic laaa.. thanks for guessing!!
Actually, Wei-I left a comment with the correct answer..I purposely didn't approve the comment. *blek* =P ..so that you guys won't get the answer!! *grinsssss*
(Wei-I, I'll approve the comment soon...)

Later part of the conversation..

Alvin: what kind of news is that?
Amelia:blur leh..
Alvin:tell lar..hahha..tell half way like that
Amelia: We have BIG APPLE DONUTS SHOP at tesco extra
Alvin: izzit?
Alvin: today open izzit?
Amelia: yayaya
Amelia: hahahaa =) nice right? Weeeeeee~~~

Alvin: Wowww

Uhhuh!!! That's it!! Did you get that right? Wooolalala...Big Apple Doughnuts shop in Cheras!! Most importantly, it is SO SO S0000 near to my house!! It makes me so excited although it is not Krispy Kreme Doughnut arrives in Malaysia...

Alvin: but make it not so special d lor
Amelia: Huh?? Y did u say so?
Alvin: so near
Amelia: SWT =_="""
Alvin: haha

Gahhh...we humans are like that huh?? LOL.. We complain a lot when we need to drive to The Curve to get BIG APPLE Doughnuts. Now, there is a new branch located not far away from our house!! but we humans...complain that it is NOT SPECIAL DYYY!!!...WHY?




ezra said...

wei...talked about that story again?..hahahhahaa...

now finished exam can merdeka d lor..

reverendtimothy said...

I've never had a Big Apple Doughnut! Am I missing out?! :(

We have a Krispy Kreme in Sydney (and soon here in Adelaide) but I think they're overrated. Too much glaze and not enough doughnut! Haha.

Adelaide has a small shop called Holy Donut Co. which I think makes the yummiest... mmm! I'll mail some to you if you like! Hahahahahaha

- wawa - said...

=) ..wahhh ..Alvin leaves comment..!! Anyway, yes larrr...coz that day I stoped at half way maa..hehe

U dun think krispy kreme is the best? Hehe..Well, I do not have much idea about it..just dat I really heard much about the OH~SO~ YUMMYnessn of Krispy Kreme..

As for Big Apple.. it is real nice if u try one or two. It won't be dat nice after having too many of the doughnuts...too sweet for me.

So ur first choice will be Holy Donuts Co.? WOWWW...sounds so delicious too...*drools*!!! ..mail? serious? haha...

CRIZ LAI said...

I am complaining now because I can't get any here near my place. I do not mind if you are willing to send some over for my professional food tasting exercise... LOL